
Canvis i devolucions
Com puc tornar la meva comanda i condicions de devolució?
Un cop hagis rebut la teva comanda , tens fins a 7 dies per a desistir de la compra o canviar el producte, a comptar de la data de lliurament , sempre que el producte no hagi estat utilitzat , tingui el seu embalatge original i manuals corresponents, així com tots els seus accessoris originals o regals promocionals si n'hi ha.
Et recordem que al fer ús del teu dret de desistiment , es realitzarà el reemborsament dels diners pagats pel / s producte / s adquirit / s sense incloure els costos de transport . Així mateix , en cas que optis per l'opció de recollida del producte al teu domicili , les despeses de la pròpia recollida també aniran a càrrec del client ( equivalen a l'import de l'enviament a domicili per tipus de producte i destinació ) .
En el cas que la devolució la facis en botiga no tindrà cap cost addicional .
No es podran retornar articles d'higiene personal.
S'adverteix que sense l'embalatge original i en perfecte estat no hi ha dret a retorn.
Returns & Exchanges 
How I can return my order and what conditions back there? 
Once you have received your order, you have up to 7 days to cancel the purchase or change your product, counting from the date of delivery, if the product has not been used as long as you have the original packaging with manuals and all original accessories and promotional gifts if any. 
We remind you that to make use of your right of withdrawal, the refund of monies paid by / the product / s purchased / s excluding transport costs will be made. Also, if you opt for the option of collecting the product in your home, the costs of collection itself also borne by the customer (equivalent to the amount of home delivery by product type and destination). 
If returning the Store do not have any additional cost. 
No may return toiletries.
Warned that without the original packaging and in perfect condition no right to return.
Returns & Exchanges 
How I can return my order and what conditions back there? 
Once you have received your order, you have up to 7 days to cancel the purchase or change your product, counting from the date of delivery, if the product has not been used as long as you have the original packaging with manuals and all original accessories and promotional gifts if any. 
We remind you that to make use of your right of withdrawal, the refund of monies paid by / the product / s purchased / s excluding transport costs will be made. Also, if you opt for the option of collecting the product in your home, the costs of collection itself also borne by the customer (equivalent to the amount of home delivery by product type and destination). 
If returning the Store do not have any additional cost. 
No may return toiletries.
Warned that without the original packaging and in perfect condition no right to return.